Face Off

Oof...so I really wanted to try and keep up with my blog going into a new job. Come to find out this job isn't what I thought it was. Not to say that I like or dislike my job, just different than what I thought. A lot of legal jargon that I'm not used to. And now that I'm settled in a bit more and have a better working knowledge of what is expected of me (that's not to say I've perfected or mastered my position) but I feel a little bit more comfortable to start up my blog again.

Yay - so back to the drawing board. This blog is brought to you by an amazing little find....

Vegas has an event the first Friday of every month, aptly named "First Friday". This is an event that the community puts together where all are welcome to appreciate the arts in Las Vegas. 

I went to First Friday On June 5th. As I was walking around, noticed that Vegas has an antiques row. What?? Really?? How did I never know this?! Who knew!? There were a few stores that were still open that evening, but most were closed. I did a quick in/out in one of the stores and fell in LOVE with this vintage suitcase that was given a little face lift.

I die....I really want this beauty!
Alas at $140, twas not in the budget - carry on I did.

When I was leaving, I drove by a store that caught my eye. I drove by too quickly to really notice it, so I circled the block and came back around down Main Street. And there it was, with the sweetest lil' store front decor - Amberjoys Vintage Closet! Of course it was closed, but I made a mental note to return the next day to check it out...along with others that I noticed.

AmberJoy's Vintage Closet - 1225 Main Street
The next day I ran some errands in the morning and then went back down to Main Street to hit up Amberjoy's. I walked in and it was the most adorably decorated shop. And to my delight, I got to meet Miss Amber herself. Her store carries vintage & repro clothing, shoes, and accessories. After talking with her for a bit, she showed me this magical piece of cloth. Ladies - I introduce to you - THE MAKE-UP ERASER!!!

The directions say to wash before using, but was told if you hand wash in the sink...it works just as well. I just happened to be doing laundry, so I threw this puppy in! I was eager to try the Make-Up Eraser because I (like many other ladies out there) get lazy as the later hours sneak up on us. I am ashamed to admit that I go to bed without washing my face more often that I'd like. 

I've been using this spiffy little pink towel for almost a month now and I LOVE IT!!!

The first time I used it - it did what it said it would do...but was still left kind of wanting more. But the second time I used it, I used it like an actual towel...not some magical soft cloth (and it truly is extremely soft!) that would wipe away the days makeup with little effort. I got in there...the nooks and crannies. I was amazed and I had to do the cotton ball test:

(Face) Left: First Use / Right: Second Use
(Eyes) Left: First Use / Right: Second Use
Well color me happy! There are so many steps a girl may have to go through to get her make-up off and this just eliminated quite a few steps for me. Maybe I haven't found the right product for me - but I hate eye make-up remover. It's either too greasy or it over dries....but this just melts away my liquid liner and mascara....beautiful, just beautiful! 

AmberJoy told me that if I was not satisfied, she'd buy it back from me....um NO - MINE, MINE ALL MINE! This little pink towel is now my BFF. 

After using to remove eye makeup
Since I am acne prone, I use the Make-Up Eraser and then my face wash. This makes me feel like my face is really getting clean. Not like my face wash was is just taking off my make-up and not getting to the under layers of my skin, but really getting in there to cleanse and repair. I will say - it's a little slice of Heaven when I do have those lazy nights...I can just use the Make-Up Eraser and not feel guilty.  

I wash my Make-Up Eraser every weekend. As you can see - as per the package - it does not stain with your old make-up marks. However, my only complaint is that is already starting to fall apart after 4 washes. 

But you better believe I will use this little puppy til it dies...and maybe a little longer than that.

The Make-Up Eraser is $20. I purchased mine at AmberJoy's - you can get yours here.

Above is the link to AmberJoy's Facebook. You can also follow her Instagram.

If you are a Vegas local or will be in Vegas the weekend of July 24th, Rockwell De'Vil will be doing a posing class as well as a make-up/hair class. $60 for each class....you best believe I'm snagging my spot once I get my paycheck!!

Enjoy ladies!


Evie xoxo


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