Satisfied Saturday - Lady Blogger Edition
Do you know what I did today??!! I read the latest Junebugs & Georgia Peaches blog post! That means I'm up-to-date! I have a thing....I can't just pick up at the current blog, I must start at the beginning. I'm like that with everything...if I start a book, I must finish it. If it's a series of three books, I must read them all.
It was little over a year ago when I really started to transition into pinup. I had about 3 or 4 pieces in my wardrobe of boring work slacks and business appropriate tops....snore. I don't recollect how I found Miss Amy May (Instagram / Blog). Soon after finding her, she put up some of her items to sell. I ended up buying a dress from her.
Little did I know that, although intermittently, I would keep in contact with this "English countryside-dwelling pinup", as she describes herself. Somewhere along the line, I realized she had blog. Of course, I had to start at her first blog until it was current. I was immediately taken with Amy's blog. I love that she's so open about who she is, who she was and that she loves food! A lady after my own heart. Every now and then she'll share a small glimpse into her life where I find that I have tears in my eyes. She speaks to my heart with her words. I love that's she's light-hearted and shares her goofiness through her blog. I love her style, her brows and her friggin' hair....just....yes! Now I get get notifications when she posts new blogs so I don't miss a post! In my opinion, I chose the perfect blogger to follow first.
Since Amy was one of the first pinups that I started to follow and she gives credit and references other pinup ladies. My Instagram "following" grew rapidly! I decided I wouldn't start to follow another blog until I was up-to-date with Amy's. I think it took a couple of months for me to read all of her posts (I only read two or three a day) and then I had to decide who to add to my daily blog readings.
I ended up choosing Miss Victory Violet (Instagram / Blog). Her blog layout is different than Miss Amy May's. It was easier for me to read every blog by the categories she's separated by tabs up at the top of her blog. However, I just realized you can go by date if you scroll to the bottom of her site.
She not only reviews a wide array of clothing, but different products as well. Her blog has a lot of how-to's in regards to make-up and hair. She even has a section called "Ask Miss Victory Violet", where people from across the globe can inquire directly to Miss Viva Las Vegas 18 herself! She has got me hooked on a few Lush items because her reviews speak so highly of their products. I saw her from afar at VLV this past April and did an inner geek out moment. Her blog is super informative and makes me want to have a professional photographer follow me everywhere.
Once I was all caught up with Miss Amy May & Miss Victory Violet, I was on to the next. This time I chose the Bestie Dynamic Duo Modern June Cleaver (Instagram) & Amelia Jetson (Instagram) and their blog Junebugs & Georgia Peaches. I won't lie...I was semi overwhelmed with how many blog posts they have. Then, I'd get frustrated seeing their Instagram photos stating that there was a new blog....would I ever catch up to recent blogs?! As stated was that day. I think it took me about 3 or 4 months. I tried to read at least 2 a day, but life...ya know?
First, I must say, it is a fantastic feeling being caught up with the three blogs I'm reading. Anywho....I love that these besties are on my to-read list because they make me miss and love my BFF who is in San Diego - I'm in Las Vegas. It gives me warm fuzzies to see the bond between these two. As a gal who is only an inch taller than Modern June Cleaver, I particularly like to see what she has to say about certain clothing items and awesome finds she finds for the more petite ladies. Not to mention, I've got a busty chest and she seems to have the same issues I have with certain kinds of dresses. It's like she makes her blogs just for me to read!
*Side note* The love that Miss Amy May, Modern June Cleaver & Amelia Jetson show for Harry Potter got me reading the books for the firsts time. I heart them for that :)
So now I get to choose another blog to add to my regular reads. I've chosen Curve Creations Closet.
She was mentioned in my 5 W's of November as my favorite "what" - she is my new Australian penpal! I can't wait to dive into her blog! Looks like she just celebrated her 1 year anniversary with her blog.
If you are like me and are completely overwhelmed in the pinup world, these Lady Bloggers give great insight, tutorials and are a wealth of knowledge. Enjoy and don't let me know who your favorite blogger(s) are, always up for a good read!
It was little over a year ago when I really started to transition into pinup. I had about 3 or 4 pieces in my wardrobe of boring work slacks and business appropriate tops....snore. I don't recollect how I found Miss Amy May (Instagram / Blog). Soon after finding her, she put up some of her items to sell. I ended up buying a dress from her.
Little did I know that, although intermittently, I would keep in contact with this "English countryside-dwelling pinup", as she describes herself. Somewhere along the line, I realized she had blog. Of course, I had to start at her first blog until it was current. I was immediately taken with Amy's blog. I love that she's so open about who she is, who she was and that she loves food! A lady after my own heart. Every now and then she'll share a small glimpse into her life where I find that I have tears in my eyes. She speaks to my heart with her words. I love that's she's light-hearted and shares her goofiness through her blog. I love her style, her brows and her friggin' hair....just....yes! Now I get get notifications when she posts new blogs so I don't miss a post! In my opinion, I chose the perfect blogger to follow first.
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Photo taken from Miss Amy May's blog. This photo is from one of her blog photos featuring holiday dresses. |
I ended up choosing Miss Victory Violet (Instagram / Blog). Her blog layout is different than Miss Amy May's. It was easier for me to read every blog by the categories she's separated by tabs up at the top of her blog. However, I just realized you can go by date if you scroll to the bottom of her site.
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Photo taken from Miss Victory Violet's blog. I love the vintage 50's diner photo shoots she does! |
Once I was all caught up with Miss Amy May & Miss Victory Violet, I was on to the next. This time I chose the Bestie Dynamic Duo Modern June Cleaver (Instagram) & Amelia Jetson (Instagram) and their blog Junebugs & Georgia Peaches. I won't lie...I was semi overwhelmed with how many blog posts they have. Then, I'd get frustrated seeing their Instagram photos stating that there was a new blog....would I ever catch up to recent blogs?! As stated was that day. I think it took me about 3 or 4 months. I tried to read at least 2 a day, but life...ya know?
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Photo taken from Junebugs & Georgia Peaches blog - reviewing these lovely Tatyana dresses. |
*Side note* The love that Miss Amy May, Modern June Cleaver & Amelia Jetson show for Harry Potter got me reading the books for the firsts time. I heart them for that :)
So now I get to choose another blog to add to my regular reads. I've chosen Curve Creations Closet.
She was mentioned in my 5 W's of November as my favorite "what" - she is my new Australian penpal! I can't wait to dive into her blog! Looks like she just celebrated her 1 year anniversary with her blog.
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Photo taken from Curve Creation's Closet |
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This blog was written while sipping: Kirkland Vodka Ocean Spray White Cranberry Dole Pineapple / Orange Juice No glasses were harmed in the making of this blog |
Evie xoxo
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