July Edition of Sippin & Socializing - With Cassie Blanca
Oh man you guys! I'm the worst!! I interviewed the beautiful and insightful Cassie Blanca waaaaay back in April. Some how....some way the file became corrupt! I did anything and everything I could think of to fix it. These interviews tend to be long because we are legit sitting drinking wine (or whatever the drink of the day might be) and socializing. There are long winded moments and sometimes you can't get back the original candid answers. So I tired hard to not have to redo the interview. One day my computer did an update and BAM....the file was in working order and I was able to save the interview! BUT another lesson learned here....no more noisy restaurants! Cassie and I met at FireRock. I mean....GREAT happy hour and fun environment, but no bueno for an interview. Transcribing was not the business - but still happy the file was saved!!
Like with all the other interviews I've done, there was plenty of off topic conversation. We spoke about religion, war, bullying....etc. The answers below truly are a brief summary of what we spoke about. I met Cassie at AmberJoy's Pinup Pageant and I'm so happy I interviewed her so I could actually get to know her. This is (obviously) only a small fraction of who she is and what she believes in....enjoy!
Who or what influenced you to delve into the Vintage / Pinup world?
I think I was kind of brought up with it. I have more than one influence. My grandma, of course - vintage jewelry, vintage clothes. My stepdad always watched black and white movies. My aunt was a huge Elvis fan. Anytime there was a birthday or holiday, there was Elvis stuff. It was already around me, I was already surrounded by it. My first job was at a Diary Queen, but it was a 50's themed Dairy Queen. We had a jukebox and the checkered floor. That was my very first job, I worked it from 17 up until I was 20. It was a family owned one, that's why they were able to do the 50's themed stuff. Corporate opened up right outside the one mile radius and our Diary Queen ended up closing. It was great though....I got to listen to oldies and it was a 50's themed ice cream diner....that was the feel of it anyway. I wouldn't say I actually got "involved - involved" in pinup until I actually started more so modeling and realizing about the repro clothes. Otherwise there was vintage clothes or going to Hot Topic and finding a polka dot dress and going "I kind of look like Marilyn Monroe....okay!", you know?! Once I found repro clothing, I was able to dress how I like. So yeah, I was always influenced and surrounded by things of the 40's, 50's and 60's. My Dad and I used to watch Leave It To Beaver, Andy Griffith Show....I was raised on those kind of morals and ideas. There was little inspirations. I used to have pictures of Marilyn Monroe and my roommate had pictures of Bettie Page. We used to wear 50's cute little clothes. We'd dress like that for fun. Then we started to see that it was something and we went...oh! We were always the table of misfits and now we're ahead of the curve and didn't even know it! We're the cool kids. I didn't realize antique store sold clothes, I was just used to my Grandma's dresses. It was just insane how much was out there when repro clothing started. Even my prom dress was a 50's inspired tulle dress. I always liked that stuff, even before modeling. It almost felt like when I started modeling and I had to figure out what genre to get into, what to be apart, what to really "staple" yourself with. I'm happy-go-lucky American Girl. I just roll with the punches. Being a pinup is a good combo / hybrid of everything a woman can be. She can be tasteful, sexy, cute...but flirty. Anything you want. I love the freedom of it. I'll go do something for the day and I want to dress down, comfortable but still cute. I'll wear a Guns N' Roses shirt, a black circle skirt and jellie shoes and put my hair up. There is still that essence of the 50's. It's good to mix it up.
How long has it been since you've entered into the scene?
I would say.....for sure when it comes to pin curling your hair and doing the dresses and everything...about 5/6 years ago. It was around when I started modeling that I realized that when I do pinup shoots - I'm going to have to own these dresses, or at least borrow them. My closet started to fill up. I realized there were so many car shows....Viva...and everything else. I took baby steps.
*Insert side convo and our server coming over to chit chat with us for a bit. Also, Cassie randomly knew and previously worked with our server...small world!*
I remember when I had my part -time job at Dairy Queen....at $7.25 an hour I would go and look at Pinup Girl Clothing and want a dress so bad and I would notice the price. I was 16 / 17 years old, you can't afford that stuff. But you make do.
How have you evolved since taking on the lifestyle?
I'd definitely say it has given more confidence in myself as a person and a woman. I used be in a wallflower. It's feel so good to be able to walk into a room and see people you know and genuinely care about. It's given me a lot of confidence in just being myself. It gives me confidence in a positive way. It's about supporting womanhood and building confidence. We are stronger if we hold each other up instead of competing with each other. I just want to give everyone hugs! I want to meet everyone I don't know - a new friend, a new connection is more important to me than anything.
What is your favorite piece of vintage or repro clothing you own? Why?
It would have to be a couple things, mainly because of sentimental value
. My great-aunt passed away last march. Her favorite niece is my godmother. When she passed away a lot of her 50's, 60's, 70's clothes were given to me. She said that the clothes had history and that I would be owning a legacy. This way my great-aunt can live on. She loved getting dressed up and getting pretty. She loved owning pretty things. I think it's awesome to have because someone else owned this beautiful stuff. I love my repro dresses, but I don't think anything can compare to the original classics.
What is the most exciting / fun event you’ve done
while being a pinup?
I would have to probably say it was Rumble By The River in 2006. It was a Pinup / Car Weekender in Laughlin. I had no idea about it, but I agreed to go and be in the Pinup Contest. There had been a couple of girls who dropped out last minute. I had never done a contest before, so I went for it. It was a good experience. It was interesting because they said if you make the top 10, I could choose to pose with a car or I could do a talent. I decided I was going to Hula Hoop. Everyone was telling me "do it, do it, do it." So I got a routine down, went to the show, met a bunch of people and I remember just being genuine. I just wanted to be myself and to get along with everybody. I love that I can look back and say "that was fun!"
Here I thought I was just going to this "pinup thing"...I'm nervous as heck...but I'll try. Then I made so many good friends and memories.
What is your favorite way to accessorize your outfits? Why?
I really would love to say hair flowers because hair flowers make everything more beautiful....but I don't think a woman looks like a pinup if she's not smiling. I feel like the one thing that completes a pinup is her smile. If you show up to your event groggy, upset, grouchy....you're not in "character". Pinups (back in the day) were a driving force for our servicemen. I'm the type of person who tries to bring a lot of positive energy, even if I'm having an off day...and I can't go anywhere without my smile.
What do you like to do in your down time?
I really am an art geek. I really love to paint, I really love to draw....I read. If I have extra time, I try to work with pinup stuff and modeling stuff. But I mostly I love to be an artsy geek in my room. What medium do you use? It depends on what I have - sometimes I'll just have water colors or just a pencil and paper. I see all these people buying iPads to do art, but I don't know if I can do that. I need actual paper. You know...I've been wanting to post more of the stuff I draw. You never know who might like it or it might mean something to someone who sees it.
She showed me a few of her art pieces - just beautiful!
What is your "must have" makeup product? Why?
Eyeliner. I really don't go a day without eyeliner. I'm such a makeup person....I love makeup. If I don't have my eyeliner or powder....yeah. I love having my graveyard tan, so I always use the translucent powder. Not even the fair. I'm clear...you kinda see me. But as far as the pinup look goes, definitely the eyeliner. I use Revlon Color Stay.
What has been your favorite place to do a photo shoot?
Hmmm....what's my favorite place? I've done Malibu, Huntington Beach....Santa Monica. I just love the beach. I'm drawn to the water naturally, so the beach is just where I need to be. I've also done the mountains which is fun....maybe I just love nature!? I've done the "Vegas" shoots and the car shoots, those are always fun, but for some reason, the beach and all of its surroundings are just beautiful. You don't even need a model in the shot at the beach, it's already beautiful.
If you can pass along one tip to being vintage / rockabilly / pinup, what would it be?
This doesn't even pertain to being vintage / rockabilly / pinup ....but just in general - believe in yourself and be kind. I feel like my thoughts and actions have gotten me so much farther than just being "a pretty face". I get emails and messages asking how they can become a pinup girl and the first thing I always say is "Be yourself. Realize you are already beautiful....and to be good to the other girls around you." I don't really look at it like a process that you have to go through to become a pinup. I mean, yeah...I learned how to pose, practicing smiling, took some photos. But it's about being a person. It's about how you feel while doing these things. That would be my best advice - be kind to everybody and just believe in yourself. You will go a long way in your life no matter if it is rockabilly, pinup, college, family...you know. Realize it's all work and do your best at it.
Who or what influenced you to delve into the Vintage / Pinup world?
I think I was kind of brought up with it. I have more than one influence. My grandma, of course - vintage jewelry, vintage clothes. My stepdad always watched black and white movies. My aunt was a huge Elvis fan. Anytime there was a birthday or holiday, there was Elvis stuff. It was already around me, I was already surrounded by it. My first job was at a Diary Queen, but it was a 50's themed Dairy Queen. We had a jukebox and the checkered floor. That was my very first job, I worked it from 17 up until I was 20. It was a family owned one, that's why they were able to do the 50's themed stuff. Corporate opened up right outside the one mile radius and our Diary Queen ended up closing. It was great though....I got to listen to oldies and it was a 50's themed ice cream diner....that was the feel of it anyway. I wouldn't say I actually got "involved - involved" in pinup until I actually started more so modeling and realizing about the repro clothes. Otherwise there was vintage clothes or going to Hot Topic and finding a polka dot dress and going "I kind of look like Marilyn Monroe....okay!", you know?! Once I found repro clothing, I was able to dress how I like. So yeah, I was always influenced and surrounded by things of the 40's, 50's and 60's. My Dad and I used to watch Leave It To Beaver, Andy Griffith Show....I was raised on those kind of morals and ideas. There was little inspirations. I used to have pictures of Marilyn Monroe and my roommate had pictures of Bettie Page. We used to wear 50's cute little clothes. We'd dress like that for fun. Then we started to see that it was something and we went...oh! We were always the table of misfits and now we're ahead of the curve and didn't even know it! We're the cool kids. I didn't realize antique store sold clothes, I was just used to my Grandma's dresses. It was just insane how much was out there when repro clothing started. Even my prom dress was a 50's inspired tulle dress. I always liked that stuff, even before modeling. It almost felt like when I started modeling and I had to figure out what genre to get into, what to be apart, what to really "staple" yourself with. I'm happy-go-lucky American Girl. I just roll with the punches. Being a pinup is a good combo / hybrid of everything a woman can be. She can be tasteful, sexy, cute...but flirty. Anything you want. I love the freedom of it. I'll go do something for the day and I want to dress down, comfortable but still cute. I'll wear a Guns N' Roses shirt, a black circle skirt and jellie shoes and put my hair up. There is still that essence of the 50's. It's good to mix it up.
How long has it been since you've entered into the scene?
I would say.....for sure when it comes to pin curling your hair and doing the dresses and everything...about 5/6 years ago. It was around when I started modeling that I realized that when I do pinup shoots - I'm going to have to own these dresses, or at least borrow them. My closet started to fill up. I realized there were so many car shows....Viva...and everything else. I took baby steps.
*Insert side convo and our server coming over to chit chat with us for a bit. Also, Cassie randomly knew and previously worked with our server...small world!*
I remember when I had my part -time job at Dairy Queen....at $7.25 an hour I would go and look at Pinup Girl Clothing and want a dress so bad and I would notice the price. I was 16 / 17 years old, you can't afford that stuff. But you make do.
How have you evolved since taking on the lifestyle?
I'd definitely say it has given more confidence in myself as a person and a woman. I used be in a wallflower. It's feel so good to be able to walk into a room and see people you know and genuinely care about. It's given me a lot of confidence in just being myself. It gives me confidence in a positive way. It's about supporting womanhood and building confidence. We are stronger if we hold each other up instead of competing with each other. I just want to give everyone hugs! I want to meet everyone I don't know - a new friend, a new connection is more important to me than anything.
What is your favorite piece of vintage or repro clothing you own? Why?
It would have to be a couple things, mainly because of sentimental value
. My great-aunt passed away last march. Her favorite niece is my godmother. When she passed away a lot of her 50's, 60's, 70's clothes were given to me. She said that the clothes had history and that I would be owning a legacy. This way my great-aunt can live on. She loved getting dressed up and getting pretty. She loved owning pretty things. I think it's awesome to have because someone else owned this beautiful stuff. I love my repro dresses, but I don't think anything can compare to the original classics.
I would have to probably say it was Rumble By The River in 2006. It was a Pinup / Car Weekender in Laughlin. I had no idea about it, but I agreed to go and be in the Pinup Contest. There had been a couple of girls who dropped out last minute. I had never done a contest before, so I went for it. It was a good experience. It was interesting because they said if you make the top 10, I could choose to pose with a car or I could do a talent. I decided I was going to Hula Hoop. Everyone was telling me "do it, do it, do it." So I got a routine down, went to the show, met a bunch of people and I remember just being genuine. I just wanted to be myself and to get along with everybody. I love that I can look back and say "that was fun!"
Here I thought I was just going to this "pinup thing"...I'm nervous as heck...but I'll try. Then I made so many good friends and memories.
What is your favorite way to accessorize your outfits? Why?
I really would love to say hair flowers because hair flowers make everything more beautiful....but I don't think a woman looks like a pinup if she's not smiling. I feel like the one thing that completes a pinup is her smile. If you show up to your event groggy, upset, grouchy....you're not in "character". Pinups (back in the day) were a driving force for our servicemen. I'm the type of person who tries to bring a lot of positive energy, even if I'm having an off day...and I can't go anywhere without my smile.
What do you like to do in your down time?
I really am an art geek. I really love to paint, I really love to draw....I read. If I have extra time, I try to work with pinup stuff and modeling stuff. But I mostly I love to be an artsy geek in my room. What medium do you use? It depends on what I have - sometimes I'll just have water colors or just a pencil and paper. I see all these people buying iPads to do art, but I don't know if I can do that. I need actual paper. You know...I've been wanting to post more of the stuff I draw. You never know who might like it or it might mean something to someone who sees it.
She showed me a few of her art pieces - just beautiful!
What is your "must have" makeup product? Why?
Eyeliner. I really don't go a day without eyeliner. I'm such a makeup person....I love makeup. If I don't have my eyeliner or powder....yeah. I love having my graveyard tan, so I always use the translucent powder. Not even the fair. I'm clear...you kinda see me. But as far as the pinup look goes, definitely the eyeliner. I use Revlon Color Stay.
What has been your favorite place to do a photo shoot?
Hmmm....what's my favorite place? I've done Malibu, Huntington Beach....Santa Monica. I just love the beach. I'm drawn to the water naturally, so the beach is just where I need to be. I've also done the mountains which is fun....maybe I just love nature!? I've done the "Vegas" shoots and the car shoots, those are always fun, but for some reason, the beach and all of its surroundings are just beautiful. You don't even need a model in the shot at the beach, it's already beautiful.
If you can pass along one tip to being vintage / rockabilly / pinup, what would it be?
This doesn't even pertain to being vintage / rockabilly / pinup ....but just in general - believe in yourself and be kind. I feel like my thoughts and actions have gotten me so much farther than just being "a pretty face". I get emails and messages asking how they can become a pinup girl and the first thing I always say is "Be yourself. Realize you are already beautiful....and to be good to the other girls around you." I don't really look at it like a process that you have to go through to become a pinup. I mean, yeah...I learned how to pose, practicing smiling, took some photos. But it's about being a person. It's about how you feel while doing these things. That would be my best advice - be kind to everybody and just believe in yourself. You will go a long way in your life no matter if it is rockabilly, pinup, college, family...you know. Realize it's all work and do your best at it.
See!! I told you she is awesome <3
This interview was conducted at FireRock Sipping on (can't remember) but we had delish garlic bread to go with it. No wine glasses were harmed during this interview |
Evie xoxo
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