Weekend Wrap Up

I swear - one of these days I will actually get my shiz together and get the blog on a regular schedule again. Here I am on Tuesday wrapping up the weekend - ugh.

At any rate - I had a very low key and mellow weekend. However, Saturday night I got me and the hubs tickets to go see one of his favorite bands. I mean, I love them too....but he is a huge fan. Boyz II Men!! They currently have a residency at The Mirage hotel. They perform in the Terry Fator Theatre which is small enough to have a good seat no matter what price range.

Boyz II Men sang a lot of the classics but also gave homage to some Motown classics, reggae and even some Beatles.

We missed the first half hour - we were having too much pre show fun and then getting ready isn't something I do quickly.....I tried, I swear.

Tickets seem to fluctuate from each performance. I saw a billboard around town that said last weekend was going to be discounted. It was totally worth it!!! Currently their website says that tickets are $43.99.

I would love to say I had many more photos and videos - but my phone was dying because I'm dumb and forgot to charge it while I was getting ready and the other videos have me singing in the background...womp womp. You don't want to hear that :p

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!



Evie xoxo


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