January Edition of Sippin & Socializing - With Miss Amy May
This was meant to come out mid-week last week. However, there is plenty of moving and shaking going on in the House of Evie. Life just ended up getting in the way. Some unfortunate things have happened, but I think in the long run, everything will work out the way it's supposed to.
At any rate....I don't remember when I started to follow Miss Amy May and her blog, but somewhere along the line I bought a dress from her and we've kept in contact via email and Instagram. To put it simply, I adore her. It was incredibly easy to talk to her, she's so animated, funny and just so lovable that I wanted to reach through the computer screen and squeeze her. Our Skype session was over two hours long....I think the questions below took about an hour because we definitely had our "squirrel" moments and we'd get off topic - but we laughed SO MUCH.
This series is called "Sipping & Socializing" - where I sit with the person I'm interviewing and we sip cocktails...but for some reason or another, my hand felt bruised the morning I interviewed Amy and I couldn't make a fist, let alone open the champagne bottle to make my mimosa....boo. However, Amy doesn't drink, so I was in good company with just passion fruit juice in my champagne glass and diet cola in Amy's.
Without further ado, here is our interview verbatim:
Who or what influenced you to delve into the vintage / pinup world?
At any rate....I don't remember when I started to follow Miss Amy May and her blog, but somewhere along the line I bought a dress from her and we've kept in contact via email and Instagram. To put it simply, I adore her. It was incredibly easy to talk to her, she's so animated, funny and just so lovable that I wanted to reach through the computer screen and squeeze her. Our Skype session was over two hours long....I think the questions below took about an hour because we definitely had our "squirrel" moments and we'd get off topic - but we laughed SO MUCH.
This series is called "Sipping & Socializing" - where I sit with the person I'm interviewing and we sip cocktails...but for some reason or another, my hand felt bruised the morning I interviewed Amy and I couldn't make a fist, let alone open the champagne bottle to make my mimosa....boo. However, Amy doesn't drink, so I was in good company with just passion fruit juice in my champagne glass and diet cola in Amy's.
Without further ado, here is our interview verbatim:
Who or what influenced you to delve into the vintage / pinup world?
It was less of an inspiration and more a kind of happy accident. I've always had naturally curly hair since being really small. As as a teenager and in my early 20's I would blow dry so it was really big, I would call it my lion mane. It sounds weird and dramatic - but having curls was always a big part of my identity. So, when they got heat damaged from using a wet-to-straight straightener, once, literally the curl wouldn't form any more. It was unhealthy, lank, sad, limp hair. It didn't look good no matter what you did. It just made me feel sad. I didn't feel like myself. Then I started to look into non-heat styling my hair. Which is when I started wet setting my hair. That made me happier for having curls again. I always really liked the stars of the 50's. I always thought the fashion and the styling from that era was the most feminine and the most glamorous, just sophisticated. So, since I already had the hair and I was getting the hang of it, I just started to incorporate the makeup and then slowly do the clothes until eventually I was dressing in it entirely and my confidence was really growing from that. Over time I just started doing it all the time.
In your opinion, how long did it take for you to "master" your wet set?
Right....that's difficult because I always feel like it's changing and I'm learning different things. In a way, I would say I still haven't mastered it. In other ways, I'd say yes...I've gotten to a level of confidence that took me a while to get there. I would say....it did take me a few months just mastering pin curling techniques - manually pin curling your hair, rolling it, getting the ends tucked in and stuff. Especially when you consider I wasn't doing it that often. To begin with, I was practicing it for a certain event where I wanted pinup hair, so I was practicing to know what it would look like. I would say that I....hmmmm....it took 3-6 months of sort of occasional practice until my sets were coming out consistently - that's a guess. I'm not sure. I know I started wet setting my hair in early 2013 and I know it was kind of by the autumn that I first felt like I really had the whole look cohesively sort of together. I wouldn't say "mastered" because you improve all the time....but yeah...anywhere from 3-6 months, but I would have to look through pictures to know for sure. *Insert about 15 minutes of more dialog for my own knowledge and gain by picking her brain* :)
How long has it been since you've entered the scene?
I started doing the hair in early 2013. So, I guess, oh my god...almost 3 years...not quite. I think the event that I decided I wanted nice hair for, after having damaged my hair, I think was in February?? I would have been practicing manually pin curl my hair for a month or so before hand and experimenting with victory rolls and quickly realizing I can't do them and they don't flatter me. (enter some side chit-chat and a directional change on dressing pinup 100% of the time) It is a really time consuming way of dressing. If you are going to do full hair and makeup - the dressing is easy, it doesn't take long - but the full hair and make up takes me (both of them combined) about 45 minutes to hour. Depending on if I'm having a bad day or going really slowly, singing to my music as I do it. I can't be doing that everyday. It's pointless for where I work, but also I think I would find it draining. I never had a job where I have to be presentable everyday, I've had jobs where it's up to me if I bother or not. So I think not having a public face on means that makeup and stuff has always been a fun thing and I choose when I do it. It's never been a chore. So I think even though I enjoy the makeup, I think feeling that it has to go perfectly everyday in this specific way, I might find draining. It's not like it's for everyone, but for me, this works well.
How have you evolved since taking on the lifestyle?
I definitely have become more confident...on many different levels. I've always been quite an introvert so having opportunities where people say "hey, do you wanna come and model for us?" you have the two levels of being like...'oh...that's really sort of scary but exciting thing. Yes, I would love to do that' and also, it will sound lame, but on an introverted level of, 'oh god...I have to travel how far away to do this thing?' The travel being something that could make you anxious. It's definitely made me more confident and more likely and willing to say yes to things. Where before I would have gone 'aw, it's a really nice idea, but I don't know if I could commit to that.' Now I'm much more likely to say yes and then figure out afterwards how do I make it happen in a way that it isn't going to make me anxious. I just tackle it in small stages. Plus, you know, I just felt more confident and aware of who I am as a person. It doesn't bother me if people stare at me because, you know...you assume it's because you look like you fell out of the 50's. And obviously as well being someone that's always sort of struggled with her weight or gone up and down with her weight when I began dressing this way. I was a lot smaller than I am now. Not as small as I was at my smallest point. I was very small compared to now but that wasn't a livable weight for me. Even though I've gained weight and I have the intention of losing some of it just because physically I don't feel as comfortable, some of my favorite clothes don't fit or you know you get a bit sluggish when you know normally you wouldn't. While I tend to lose some for that point, I do feel way more confident than I have in the past at this weight. I am aware that it doesn't really matter what you look like, it's lovely to help other women realize when they see you and say 'oh my god, you look amazing like that...oh, but you're the same shape as me. I can look like that too!' They realize that they just assumed they couldn't wear or that people would give them crap for it or something. It's really lovely to be apart of a community where everyone encourages each other and sort of spreads the body positivity around. It's one of my favorite things about dressing this way. I found it's made me a more positive person and it has also made me aware of spreading positivity more. Almost unintentionally, being more positive you spread it out more than when you consciously choose to do it. So it's two fold happiness, it's really nice.
What is your favorite piece of vintage or repro clothing you own? Why?
It would have to PUG (insert her sweet laugh here) because that's most of my wardrobe. I think it is the Pinup Girl Clothing rose boarder print Lydia dress. The balance of the bright blue with the white...and also with the roses on it...I think it really stands out but it's also not crazy in your face. I just remember the first time I saw a picture of it on their Instagram...them saying they were shooting it and it was a dress that, I think, came to Micheline in a dream and then she sketched it out. The first time I saw the picture, I think I gasped and I would have said something about like 'oh my god' or 'that's so beautiful' or something. It was such a strong reaction. It wasn't just like 'oh I really like that,' it was a massively strong reaction and I stalked that website, the Coming Soon...even though I was signed up the notifications and I asked for money from all of my family and friends towards it for my birthday, because it was due out Spring/Summer. I was dwelling on it thinking...'oh my god if it comes out at such and such point and then the other dress I want isn't out yet, do I get it anyway in case it sells out? But then I pay international shipping and it's so expensive like that.' I was obsessed waiting for that to drop, I was so excited. I got it and it was everything I thought it was going to be. It's still one of my favorites. I. Love. It. It makes you feel amazing wearing it. That one sells out really fast...so it's obviously not just me.
What is the most exciting / fun event you’ve done while being a pinup?
Amy in her Lydia dress. Photo from Miss Amy May's Instagram. |
That's tough....it's almost in different categories. Obviously, the only thing I could think of that was like a big public event was the Pinup Picnic In The Park, which was amazing! And even then I didn't manage to get around to nearly as many people as I want to, to meet them. But it was really lovely meeting so many different pinups. Also, I've got to do some really fun modeling jobs even choosing between them is difficult because I was so excited for all of them. But...I think modeling for In Retrospect Magazine was awesome because we did get to model on two vintage railways. That was really fun. They were quite worried about how quickly I grew to love my fake gun. Which was incredibly heavy. Afterwards, they were like
"Amy, you're really not allowed to have that on the public platform."
"I thought I was just holding it while we gather all the stuff up."
"Yeah, stop waving it around...put it away. There are members of the public here."
I thought it was fake, but it was a BB, it was heavy and it was made of metal.
I said "I thought it was a fake gun"
"It's a pellet BB gun"
"Oh my god!"
"Don't worry we obviously haven't put anything in it!"
"Oh thank god."
Then after that I was waving it around they were like "please look into the camera and give me your best mean face." (she demonstrated her mean face at this point)
Feels really weird though, because they are obviously laughing behind the camera and going 'this is too good' and then your like...you're really ruining my mean face because now all I want to do is smile or laugh or make a snarky comment. It was so difficult because Danielle is adorable and say we'd...like me and Tom, who were playing the bad couple would be sitting on bench and Danielle and um....oh I can't remember his name....I feel really bad....it's gone now. The good couple would be over by the train. They said "you just look into the distance, look at the train" or "it doesn't really matter what you do because you're not in the shot and their looking at you being mean to you...just stand there and you'll kind of be blurry with the shot" and Danielle would just look at me smiling, being adorable. They say to me "look at her like you hate her. You're going to shoot her in a minute." And she's like (insert Amy's funny impression of Danielle's face here). I'm like "I can't, I can't, I can't glare at you when you're looking at me, for starters...but also not when you're smiling at me. Please stop...you're too cute. You're making this very difficult." It was really hard. But it was really good fun, everyone was lovely. We had to really hustle to get it done.
Photo taken from Miss Amy May's Instagram. |
What is your favorite way to accessorize your outfits? Why?
Does with sass count? (insert or laughter here) No, it's really weird because I think I definitely went through an accessorizing dry spell last year, through the later half of the year. I was just so busy. I was constantly getting ready quickly before going out that I would just forget to add final touches. Yes, I like bright colors but I do tend towards the more simple rather than the novelty. I definitely think Coco Chanel was right when she said that you should look in the mirror before going out and take off one piece of jewelry. I think a lot of people would benefit from that, it's really easy to over accessorize.
I do tend to under accessorize...but in summer I do love wearing wooden bangles or bamboo bangles. I think it's really cute, seasonally appropriate and an easy way to make it fun and a bit more tropical without having to go crazy. But on the other end of it I really like bling. Crystal necklaces, thick necklaces, crystal bracelets. I'm either one or the other. I very rarely do novelty. I am trying to remember to accessories my hair, trying to add more brooches in. Also, I don't have pieced ears but I just got a bunch of clip on earrings and I'm trying to remember to do those.
That do you like to do in your downtime?
Do we count blogging in that? Because in a way I look at blogging almost like a responsibility. It's not a chore, but I look at it as work I have to do and have committed to doing. So while I enjoy it, I don't do it in the same way I watch Netflix or read. I do allot time for it strictly each week in the same way I would do a job...except I don't get paid for it. I blog a lot in my down time. I put a lot of time to it on the weekend. It is not uncommon for me to spend 6/7 hours on a Sunday blogging. Normally I would shoot pictures on a Saturday...probably. Then Sunday will be editing pictures, you know, choosing them and stuff, if I've taken loads that could be problematic...lighting issues or if I've forgotten to remove anything after the shot that's unseemly, then I have to Photoshop them out. Then I write the blogs. I do two blogs a week, but sometimes when I have loads of content coming up, I do three. Because I prefer to do them on the weekends when I have more time rather than after work or after dinner on the weekdays when I'm so tired and I rather relax...and I socialize more in the week
than I do on the weekends...so it means when I have a really busy weekend planned and I'm staying away for the whole weekend, that weekend no work gets done. So often I'm working 2 or 3 weeks ahead, trying to get 2 weeks of content done so that I'm constantly ahead enough that I could do socially what I want, when I want without disappointing my readers. So yeah, a lot of my down time on the weekends get used up for that. That does mean, once you take out the socializing with your friends and family, what I choose to do when I have actually free time tends to be Netflix.
What are you watching on Netflix right now?
At the moment, I'm watching Making A Murderer because everyone freaked out about it. The first episode I was't too into because they've got to set up his original crime, the thing he wasn't guilty for, but why they're then prejudice against him for the rest of it. So the first episode I was a bit like....I don't see how this is going to spin out to 10 episodes. Then you get into the second episode to see what happens and you realize that it's ridiculous....it's insane. I have't had much time to watch it...and I really want to watch it. I have to block the hour as well. Earlier, I was blogging up until about 50 minutes before I expected to talk to you. So I thought I won't start this next bit because I want to get all of it done before I talk to Evie, so I was like...but I can watch 30 minutes of Making A Murderer. Nice one. So yeah, at the moment I'm a little bit obsessed with that. I'm just over half way. So hopefully in a weeks time I might have finished it, but I'm not sure. (the door opens to our spare bedroom and my husband sleepily looks at me funny....good times. I later had to explain what I was doing.)
What is your “must-have” makeup product? Why?
My must have makeup product would be Wet & Wild Take On The Day Fergie eye primer. Because...it's amazing! My holy grail used to be the Urban Decay Primer Potion - that was the only eye primer I found that actually worked. I get quite oily lids and if I'm wearing my makeup for 10-12 hours a day, if I put it on before work, then go to work...I have a very active job, then I go out. I used to find that the Primer Potion was incredible. In America, you guys have the tubes rather than the wands. I think we have the tubes here, but we didn't for a long time and they also had the bigger version. So, I bought one on ebay because they just weren't stocked here and it was cheaper. I have a feeling it was kind of old because at first it worked fine, but then it must of gone past it's date because it wasn't working for me any more. Then I tried a primer that a friend sent me by Wet & Wild, we don't really get that here. I was like, this is ridiculous....this works so well and it's like, $4 or less (I googled it at $4.68 at Walmart). Incredible. I highly suggest it. When I was in America, I bought 4 tubes. You can get them here on ebay or something but then they are $8 or $10. I was like, screw this, I'm in the states! So I bought a bunch. We were driving around to all the QVC's (I think she meant CVS) and Walgreens. I was going...DAMN IT why don't any of these bitches have it?! I was on wedding vacation in Virginia, but eventually got them in Texas.
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Coco Chanel |
Amy in her bling. Photo taken from Miss Amy May's Instagram. |
Do we count blogging in that? Because in a way I look at blogging almost like a responsibility. It's not a chore, but I look at it as work I have to do and have committed to doing. So while I enjoy it, I don't do it in the same way I watch Netflix or read. I do allot time for it strictly each week in the same way I would do a job...except I don't get paid for it. I blog a lot in my down time. I put a lot of time to it on the weekend. It is not uncommon for me to spend 6/7 hours on a Sunday blogging. Normally I would shoot pictures on a Saturday...probably. Then Sunday will be editing pictures, you know, choosing them and stuff, if I've taken loads that could be problematic...lighting issues or if I've forgotten to remove anything after the shot that's unseemly, then I have to Photoshop them out. Then I write the blogs. I do two blogs a week, but sometimes when I have loads of content coming up, I do three. Because I prefer to do them on the weekends when I have more time rather than after work or after dinner on the weekdays when I'm so tired and I rather relax...and I socialize more in the week
than I do on the weekends...so it means when I have a really busy weekend planned and I'm staying away for the whole weekend, that weekend no work gets done. So often I'm working 2 or 3 weeks ahead, trying to get 2 weeks of content done so that I'm constantly ahead enough that I could do socially what I want, when I want without disappointing my readers. So yeah, a lot of my down time on the weekends get used up for that. That does mean, once you take out the socializing with your friends and family, what I choose to do when I have actually free time tends to be Netflix.
What are you watching on Netflix right now?
At the moment, I'm watching Making A Murderer because everyone freaked out about it. The first episode I was't too into because they've got to set up his original crime, the thing he wasn't guilty for, but why they're then prejudice against him for the rest of it. So the first episode I was a bit like....I don't see how this is going to spin out to 10 episodes. Then you get into the second episode to see what happens and you realize that it's ridiculous....it's insane. I have't had much time to watch it...and I really want to watch it. I have to block the hour as well. Earlier, I was blogging up until about 50 minutes before I expected to talk to you. So I thought I won't start this next bit because I want to get all of it done before I talk to Evie, so I was like...but I can watch 30 minutes of Making A Murderer. Nice one. So yeah, at the moment I'm a little bit obsessed with that. I'm just over half way. So hopefully in a weeks time I might have finished it, but I'm not sure. (the door opens to our spare bedroom and my husband sleepily looks at me funny....good times. I later had to explain what I was doing.)
What is your “must-have” makeup product? Why?
My must have makeup product would be Wet & Wild Take On The Day Fergie eye primer. Because...it's amazing! My holy grail used to be the Urban Decay Primer Potion - that was the only eye primer I found that actually worked. I get quite oily lids and if I'm wearing my makeup for 10-12 hours a day, if I put it on before work, then go to work...I have a very active job, then I go out. I used to find that the Primer Potion was incredible. In America, you guys have the tubes rather than the wands. I think we have the tubes here, but we didn't for a long time and they also had the bigger version. So, I bought one on ebay because they just weren't stocked here and it was cheaper. I have a feeling it was kind of old because at first it worked fine, but then it must of gone past it's date because it wasn't working for me any more. Then I tried a primer that a friend sent me by Wet & Wild, we don't really get that here. I was like, this is ridiculous....this works so well and it's like, $4 or less (I googled it at $4.68 at Walmart). Incredible. I highly suggest it. When I was in America, I bought 4 tubes. You can get them here on ebay or something but then they are $8 or $10. I was like, screw this, I'm in the states! So I bought a bunch. We were driving around to all the QVC's (I think she meant CVS) and Walgreens. I was going...DAMN IT why don't any of these bitches have it?! I was on wedding vacation in Virginia, but eventually got them in Texas.
What is the one “unicorn” clothing item that is currently on your must-have list?
Hmmm.....I think it would have to be the Pinup Girl Clothing Jenny skirt in the purple floral boarder print. They had the redder-green and the purpley-bluey one. I'm lucky enough that I got the red and green one from a friend a few months back...and it's gorgeous, but I really want the purple one as well. (This then spins off into another 10-15 minutes about Pinup Girl Clothing's prints and designs. We speak about how heartbreaking it is when you find out certain piece is discontinued....the struggle is real.)
If you can pass along one tip to being Vintage / Rockabilly / Pinup, what would it be?
Practice. I think it's really easy, when you start out to be overwhelmed by "how do they get their makeup so perfect, how do they get their hair like that?" Then you try, and it looks nothing like it. Really, the way you get there is you just keep practicing and find what works for you. You might be trying to copy someone's eyeliner but actually the angle on your face might need to be a bit flatter, or longer, or shorter - it's whatever works best for you. But, that goes hand-in-hand at the same time with don't worry about anyone else, do what makes you happy. If it's not 100% authentic for you to do one thing one way, but that's what makes you feel comfortable and you think it's more flattering...just do what makes you feel happy. Yes, it could feel weird wearing a petticoat for the first time. You might feel like you are as wide as a house but if it also makes you feel like a twirly princess, keep doing it, you'll get used to it. Just keep persevering, do what makes you happy. Don't feel like you have to do it everyday if you don't have the energy in you to do it everyday. Don't feel like it means you have to throw out your jeans and your hoodies. Don't think that you have to be anything other than what you want to be, to be yourself, to be happy. Do it for you....is the one thing I would say.
As she said her final statement, how do you not love her!?? We continued to chat for about another 45 minutes. She even got up to show me a dance move that her niece does....in pajamas and all. I mean really people, I just love her.
Red Border Print Jenny Skirt.. Photo taken from Miss Amy May's Instagram |
Amy's current "unicorn" item. |
Practice. I think it's really easy, when you start out to be overwhelmed by "how do they get their makeup so perfect, how do they get their hair like that?" Then you try, and it looks nothing like it. Really, the way you get there is you just keep practicing and find what works for you. You might be trying to copy someone's eyeliner but actually the angle on your face might need to be a bit flatter, or longer, or shorter - it's whatever works best for you. But, that goes hand-in-hand at the same time with don't worry about anyone else, do what makes you happy. If it's not 100% authentic for you to do one thing one way, but that's what makes you feel comfortable and you think it's more flattering...just do what makes you feel happy. Yes, it could feel weird wearing a petticoat for the first time. You might feel like you are as wide as a house but if it also makes you feel like a twirly princess, keep doing it, you'll get used to it. Just keep persevering, do what makes you happy. Don't feel like you have to do it everyday if you don't have the energy in you to do it everyday. Don't feel like it means you have to throw out your jeans and your hoodies. Don't think that you have to be anything other than what you want to be, to be yourself, to be happy. Do it for you....is the one thing I would say.
As she said her final statement, how do you not love her!?? We continued to chat for about another 45 minutes. She even got up to show me a dance move that her niece does....in pajamas and all. I mean really people, I just love her.
This installment of Sipping & Socializing was conducted while sipping: Passion Fruit Juice that was supposed to be a mimosa. |
Evie xoxo
This was so much fun to read -- what a fantastic idea for a series! I really liked the way you wrote the 'stage directions' in your transcription, too. I'm glad you've been updating more frequently this year!!
Thanks Emily <3 it's been a lot of fun!
DeleteI'm happy you posted, now I can enjoy your blog too! <3
Aw, thanks! I'm just starting out on this pinup-style journey, so I'm always looking to virtually 'meet' people and pick up pointers about hair/makeup etc!
DeleteI can't wait to see who you interview for February!!